Prince Abubakar University Teaching Hospital Anyigba currently under construction by the administration of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State. *** Governor Yahaya Bello at work on the age-old erosion ravaged section of the road from Anyigba to the headquarters of Dekina LG and to the neighboring Bassa LG.*** Ultra-modern General Hospital, Under Construction At Isanlu-Yagba East LGA-Kogi State. Similar projects ongoing simultaneously in two (2) other locations in the state, ie, Gegu in Kogi LGA and Eganyi in Ajaokuta LGA*** The World Bank commended Governor Yahaya Bello for refunding $4.63 million surplus funds under the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)***  This app, is an Audio/visual excursion into the stewardship of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello*** 


Kogi Maintains Lead in Nigeria’s Cashew Production, Targets Top Position in Africa, Says Govt

The Kogi State Government said on Friday that the state had maintained a clear lead in the production of Cashew in Nigeria, linking the feat to sound agricultural policies.

The Commissioner for Information and Communications in the state, Kingsley Fanwo, who disclosed this to journalists in Lokoja, added that efforts were ongoing to make Kogi the cashew hub of Africa.

He said, “Today, Kogi State is the biggest producer of Cashew in Nigeria because of our sound agricultural policies geared towards empowering farmers with improved seedlings, mechanisation, agro chemicals as well as creating an enabling environment for the private sector to invest in Cashew production.

“Kogi has retained this position for many years and our ambition is to push Nigeria’s production level above that of Ivory Coast, which is the leading Cashew producer in the world.

“The administration of Alh Yahaya Bello is scaling up the gear to improving the value chain in cashew production in the state. We can only get value for money when we can add some value to our Cashew before selling to the major buyers.”

Fanwo said the State was also doing very well in the area of Cassava production, adding that the emergence of some A-List Industries in the area of Cassava processing had enhanced the production and fortunes of the farmers.

He said the issue of herder-farmer clashes in the state had drastically reduced as a result of the “collaborative security architecture that has evolved strategies to ensure peace and security”.

“Governor Yahaya Bello has and is still paying a great attention to agriculture as a result of the edaphic advantages of the state to use that sector to address poverty and hunger,” he noted.

Kogi Rise In Rice.


This is a brief narrative of the success story of rice production in Kogi State, Nigeria.

Prior to Governor Yahaya Bello’s administration, agriculture in Kogi State was almost non-existent due to systemic decay, leadership problems, and lack of political will. However, the governor’s prioritization of agriculture, through the Agricultural Rebirth Policy, led to a summit that proffered solutions to the problems bedeviling the sector. Rice was identified as a major crop in which the state had comparative advantages and was prioritized. This led to the reinvention of the Anchor Borrower Scheme and other strategies that have made the state the second-highest rice-producing state in Nigeria.

Agriculture is an essential sector for the development of any country. In Nigeria, agriculture accounts for about 22% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), and it is a significant employer of labor. The sector has the potential to provide food security and contribute to the country’s economy. However, the sector has faced several challenges such as poor infrastructure, inadequate funding, and poor implementation of policies. This paper discusses the success story of rice production in Kogi State, Nigeria.

The Evolution of Rice Production in Kogi State:
Prior to the advent of Governor Yahaya Bello’s administration, agriculture in Kogi State was almost non-existent due to systemic decay, leadership problems, and lack of political will. Governor Yahaya Bello’s administration gave the sector a lifeline by prioritizing it as a platform for job creation and youth engagement. Given the State’s vast arable land crisscrossed by massive water bodies, especially the Rivers Niger and Benue, coupled with the human capacity that could put these natural resources into use, there was no doubt that Kogi State is in for considerable increase in her Gross Domestic Product.

Governor Yahaya Bello declared an emergency in the Agricultural Sector through the Agricultural Rebirth Policy (2017). A summit that dissected all the problems bedeviling the agricultural sector in Kogi State was convened, and immediate to extended period solutions were proffered, collated and implemented to rejig the sector. Most importantly, crops in which the state had immense comparative advantages were identified and prioritized.

Rice Production in Kogi State:
Rice is one of the major staple foods in Nigeria, consumed across all geopolitical zones and socioeconomic classes. Rice consumption is increasing rapidly in Nigeria because of the shift in consumer preference towards rice, increasing population growth, increased income levels, and rapid urbanization. However, rice production falls short of demand; the country depends heavily on rice importation of over 3 million tonnes annually, equivalent to over US$480 million in scarce foreign exchange.

The efforts of the government, starting from 2015, have aimed at stimulating private sector involvement and boosting local production. The country’s rice production rose from 3.7 million metric tonnes in 2017 to 4.0 million metric tonnes in 2018. Some of the states credited as major rice-producing states are Kebbi, Borno, Kano, and Kaduna. Reports (2021) have shown recently that Kogi is now one of the ranking states in rice production in Nigeria.

Governor Yahaya Bello’s vision for the sector prioritized rice production, considering the availability of land and the massive water bodies of the Rivers Niger & Benue, rice production would be of real economic value to the State. To drive the process through a private sector-led participation in the sector and the enabling environment provided by the government, the Anchor Borrower Scheme, a Central Bank of Nigeria intervention for farmers, was reinvented.

Additionally, the government has also supported the development of rice value chains in the state. The government, in collaboration with private sector partners, established rice processing centers, which help to increase rice processing capacity and reduce post-harvest losses. The centers provide facilities for the milling, sorting, and packaging of rice, which ensures that the rice produced in the state meets international quality standards. These centers have also created employment opportunities for youth in the state, as they provide jobs for both skilled and unskilled workers.

Furthermore, the state government has also provided extension services to farmers to improve their farming techniques and enhance their productivity. Extension services have been provided through partnerships with private sector organizations and development partners, who provide training and technical assistance to farmers. Through these extension services, farmers have been taught how to use improved seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, which have significantly improved their yields.

In addition, the state government has also embarked on a massive land development program to increase the amount of arable land available for farming. The land development program involves clearing and developing previously uncultivated lands and making them available to farmers for cultivation. This has increased the amount of land available for rice farming in the state, which has led to an increase in rice production.

Moreover, the government has also provided infrastructure to support the development of the rice sector. The government has constructed new roads, bridges, and irrigation systems to facilitate the transportation of rice and irrigation of rice fields. This has made it easier for farmers to transport their produce to markets and for irrigation systems to be put in place.

As a result of these interventions, Kogi state has emerged as the second-highest rice-producing state in Nigeria, with an annual production of over 1.5 million metric tonnes of rice. This represents a significant increase from the previous production levels of the state, which was at an all-time low before the current government’s intervention. The increase in rice production has had a positive impact on the state’s economy, as it has created jobs, increased the income of farmers, and reduced the state’s dependence on imported rice.

In conclusion, the success story of how Kogi state achieved the second-highest rice-producing state in Nigeria is a result of a combination of factors, including political will, private sector participation, technical assistance, and infrastructure development. The government’s interventions have created a conducive environment for rice production and have facilitated the participation of the private sector in the rice sector. This has led to an increase in rice production, which has had a positive impact on the state’s economy. It is hoped that other states in Nigeria can learn from Kogi state’s success story and replicate its interventions to increase their rice production levels.

The Ejiba Rice Mill

Fully completed and functional.

Sits on 800 hectares of land and produces the confluence rice.

Creates 6,000 direct and indirect Jobs (both skilled and unskilled).

GYB is Doing-More.

Come to Kogi State and see for yourself.

Kogi Gov Commissions IFAD-VCDP Rice Processing Centre In Lokoja.

The Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello has commissioned Gaskiya Rice Processing Centre constructed by Kogi Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP) under the FGN/IFAD assisted projects, at Kungbani, Lokoja Local Government Area (LGA) of the state.

The commissioning was part of activities for the three-day Technical Implementation Support visit to VDCP projects in Kogi by President Muhammadu Buhari’s daughter, Hajia Fatima Buhari.

Fatima Buhari, who is the Marketing Enterprise Development Advisor (MEDA) of FGN/IFAD-VCDP, had on Tuesday visited another Rice Processing Centre in ASCO Camp in Ajaokuta local government area of Kogi.

In his remarks, Bello commended the federal government for partnering with the State Government in empowering rural farmers and adding value to their products to increase their net revenue.

The Governor, who was represented by his deputy, Dr Edward Onoja, reaffirmed the commitment of his administration to continue to invest in agriculture for economic diversification.

He enjoined the beneficiaries to take ownership of the rice processing centre and ensure proper maintenance for their own benefits.

He assured that government would continue to add value to the rural farmers through various projects and programmes, adding that four different agricultural programmes were going on concurrently in the state.

Speaking, Hajia Fatima Buhari, said she was highly impressed with what the state government was doing to support the VCDP projects in the state, especially the counterparts funding.

”This is the first time in all the States we have all our projects, that VCDP will be given two years counterpart funding which has never happened before.

”We thanked Kogi state government for the gesture as well as the federal government for the initiative,” she said.

Earlier, the state’s Commissioner for Finance, Budget and Planning, Mr Asiwaju Idris, said Kogi was among the first State to sign the MoU for the VCDP project in 2017 with immediate payment of its counterpart funding.

He added that the governor had also given the approval for the payment of the counterparts fund for 2022 and 2023.

The state’s Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr David Apeh, commended the governor for his commitment to the VCDP project, saying it had impacted posively in the lives of the rural farmers in the state.

Earlier, the Kogi State Coordinator, IFAD-VCDP, Dr Stella Adejoh, noted that the visit of the President’s daughter would further strengthen the farmers’ trust in the programme thereby enhancing their commitment.

She expressed her delight with the feedback from the August visitor, saying it was an excellent one that had put Kogi on the limelight for the world to see.

”There is real hope for the farmers for the sustainability of the programme because we have done a whole lot of capacity building along the value chain,” she said.

Two farmers, Halima Gimba, a Processor and Secretary of Kaskiya Cluster; and Hajia Lari Sule, a Marketer, who spoke on behalf of the beneficiaries, said they had benefitted immensely from the VCDP project.

According to them, VCDP had taught them best modern way of processing rice, acquired leadership and management skills, market their products online, among others.

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