Prince Abubakar University Teaching Hospital Anyigba currently under construction by the administration of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State. *** Governor Yahaya Bello at work on the age-old erosion ravaged section of the road from Anyigba to the headquarters of Dekina LG and to the neighboring Bassa LG.*** Ultra-modern General Hospital, Under Construction At Isanlu-Yagba East LGA-Kogi State. Similar projects ongoing simultaneously in two (2) other locations in the state, ie, Gegu in Kogi LGA and Eganyi in Ajaokuta LGA*** The World Bank commended Governor Yahaya Bello for refunding $4.63 million surplus funds under the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)***  This app, is an Audio/visual excursion into the stewardship of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello*** 

Good Governance

The 8th Referral Compendium

The assumption of office by His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello as the 4th Executive Governor of Kogi State on the 27th of January 2016 effectively ushered in the ‘New Direction Administration’ and a new dawn for Kogi State.

which deprived the State and her people of many dividends of democracy, Governor Yahaya Bello has managed to change the narrative positively by delivering significant development strides in all sections of the State through the judicious utilization of the State’s limited resources.

The Government that he led in the last eight years was young and strong, leadership. He governed by a set of globally recognized principles measurable and scalable.

The use of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) developed by the United Nations/ Oxford University Poverty and Human Development Initiative (UN/OPHI) and the In the last eight (8) years, the Governor Yahaya Bello-led New Direction Administration has carefully implemented plans and programs to put the state on the path of sustainable growth and development whilst overcoming several challenges and constraints.

So far, Kogi State has come a mighty long way from the pervasive dysfunction inherited by the Yahaya Bello-administration in 2016.

Despite the failings of the past Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build the New Direction Blueprint (NBT) gave access to tools which already incorporated global best practices for governance.

An active implementation framework driven by the New Direction Blueprint Team gave unusual clarity on Training, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (TIME) of his plans.

In the First Term (2016 – 2019) his agenda for the state was hinged on five (5) thematic areas of Education, Health, Job Creation & Youth Engagement, Infrastructure & Utilities, and Public Service & Pension Reforms.

These were further expanded to nine (9) thematic areas in the Second Term (2019 – 2024) of his administration with the addition of Agriculture, Human Capital Development, Entrepreneurship & Youth Engagement, Security as well as Cooperation and Integration (the Socio-cultural Agenda) to the existing five thematic areas.

There is plenty of evidence that what he has accomplished in this administration has helped to leapfrog progress in the state today. This has not happened by chance. Not at all.

He came into Office with a well-defined Blueprint and massive political will to make positive change – and he has done precisely that.

Today, it could be proven that he has made impressive efforts to reposition Kogi State for the future.

This has the direct effect of enhancing the citizen’s abilities to take advantage of their vast endowments in human and other natural resources for development purposes. characterized which by were By making security of lives and properties a constant priority, Governor Yahaya Bello has placed Kogi State in a great position to attract and keep new residents and investments in her economy by getting rid of criminals and making Kogi State a safe haven for her people and other Nigerians plying the highways between the North and the South of the country through her territory.

The education sector has also received topnotch attention from his government. There has been significant improvement in human capital development indices from basic through tertiary education levels and through targeted programmes in the vocational and informal education sub-sectors.

His administration has founded new schools including two state-owned universities, the Confluence University of Science & Technology (CUSTECH), Osara and the Kogi State University (KSU), Kabba.

He also renovated, and in many cases reconstructed, physical and non-physical infrastructure in all the state’s existing tertiary institutions.

He also improved access to educational opportunities, school enrollment and retention numbers and the performance of students in both internal and external examinations.

Furthermore, It is important to note that since the last strike by university lecturers about 7 years ago, Students in Kogi State Tertiary Institutions have enjoyed uninterrupted academic calendars.

The result is that Kogi undergraduates have advanced at least 2 to 3 years ahead of their contemporaries in other schools who continue to be bedeviled by pernicious industrial actions in this all important sector.

The Health Sector has grown exponentially under Governor Yahaya Bello’s careful management. Hundreds of Primary Healthcare Centres in Kogi have been renovated and ultramodern secondary and tertiary hospitals are springing up across the three Senatorial Districts.

They are all equipped with State of the art equipment. The Kogi State Health Insurance Agency is fully set up and has absorbed tens of thousands of citizens under her free to subsidized healthcare policies. Gradually, Kogi State is becoming the Health Tourism destination that his goal envisioned.

Heavy investments have been made in roads, bridges and other civil engineering infrastructure all over the state including the now completed and commissioned first flyover and interchange in Kogi State at Ganaja junction.

This has helped to improve the quality of life available in Lokoja metropolis, major towns and rural areas. Good governance across board with respect to equity in political appointments, with deliberate policies of inclusion for women (45%) and persons living with special needs) has been embedded by the administration of Governor Yahaya Bello.

These success stories are, to a great extent, replicated in agriculture, the Civil Service and other sectors. In a bid to alleviate poverty and to take his vision of pulling one million Kogi youths above the poverty line, he approved the establishment of the Kogi State Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation in December 2023.

This he said will enable Kogi State to integrate seamlessly into the overarching vision of the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu encapsulated in the Renewed Hope agenda which aims to uplift 50 million Nigerians from poverty annually. For the first time perhaps, the presence of Government is felt by the widest cross-section of Kogites under one administration.

This 8th Referral Compendium showcases how Governor Bello’s Mission Statement (To develop Kogi State into Nigeria’s foremost and most secure emerging commercial hub through optimization of the State’s geographical location, natural endowments and human resources for a sustainable future) has dovetailed nicely into his implementation strategies.

Success without a successor, they say, is failure.

He remained committed to moving Kogi State forward as aggressively as possible within the ambits of the overarching governance objectives by ensuring that having laid a foundation for rapid development, the task of consolidation and continuity falls to people who are versed in the New Direction ideologies and practices, hence the election of Alhaji Usman Ahmed Ododo and Mr. Joel Oyibo Salifu as the next Governor and Deputy Governor of Kogi State respectively.

This Referral Compendium will unfold under the following components:

1. Leadership & Governance.

2. A Review of the New Direction Administration’s Performance using the Global Standards Index

3. An xray of the Legacies of the New Direction Administration.

Moses Okezie-Okafor, ESQ.
Director General Research and Development

Click any of the images below to view the detailed Compendium document.








Governor Yahaya Bello Presents Staff of Office to New Ohimegye Igu of Koton-Karfe

In a colourful ceremony held on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State presented the Staff of Office to the new Ohimegye Igu of Koton-Karfe, His Royal Majesty Alhaji Akawu Salihu. This symbolic presentation took place at the palace of the Ohimegye Igu in Koton-Karfe, Kogi State, and was attended by thousands from the historic town and from far.

The appointment of the new Ohimegye Igu followed the recent removal from office of his predecessor, Alhaji Abdulrazaq Isa Koto by the Kogi State Government. The people of Koton-Karfe greeted their new monarch with jubilation. The town, known for its rich history dating back centuries, is revered as the cradle of Egbira civilization and contributes significantly to the cultural heritage of Northern Nigeria and Nigeria in general.

Addressing the challenges facing Koton-Karfe, the newly appointed Ohimegye Igu pledged to collaborate with Governor Bello and the community to overcome obstacles such as the decline in traditional iron smelting and the need for development. Emphasizing peace and unity, the new king expressed a commitment to attract investment and foster growth in the historic town.

Governor Bello, in his remarks at the event, commended the wisdom and leadership of the new Ohimegye Igu. He expressed confidence in the monarch’s ability to lead Koton-Karfe towards a brighter future. The governor reiterated his dedication to supporting traditional institutions in the state and promised that the Government will work closely with the new king to ensure the development of Koton-Karfe and her principalities.

The presentation of the Staff of Office to a new Ohimegye Igu is a tradition deeply rooted in symbolism, and marks the formal installation of the new king by the Governor of Kogi State, an act he is empowered to do by the Constitution of Nigeria and the laws of Kogi State. Today’s event marks a new chapter in the history of Koton-Karfe, and raises hope for a future characterized by peace, prosperity, and development.



In a bid to further authenticate the updated staff records exercise carried out by the Office of the Head of Service; Kogi State has issued State Identity Cards (ID) for workers.

During the flag off ceremony of the ID cards, the Head of Civil Service, Mrs Hannah Odiyo, emphasized that an authentic data was required for adequate planning by the government, especially in a transition period like this.

She explained further that in May, 2022, her Office had earlier sent out an enclosed form (Bio Data Form) to all Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) to be filled by the Civil Servants and returned.

Although the Bio Data exercise revealed a lot of inadequacies on the part of the MDAs,Mrs Odiyo revealed that a total number of 231 ( Two Hundred and Thirty-One) staff have failed to show up for the updated records exercise,which has led to the suspension of their salaries since November, 2023 till date. The question now is, “where are they?, Who are they?, Are they ghosts?”.

Earlier, the Permanent Secretary, Research Evaluation and Policy Analysis/Certificate Verification Department (REPA), Head of Civil Service, Mrs Shuaib Memunat Dede, in a welcome address,commended the Head of Civil Service for her proactiveness in ensuring the actualization of the project.

Mr Teddy Adegbola, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communications in a goodwill message congratulated the Head of Service for a landmark achievement in the history of Kogi State Civil Service.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Mrs Modupe Andi also applauded the Office of the Head of Civil Service for a successful update exercise.

Igiku Mary,

Music: Ga Adoza Ga Ododo

“Ga Adoza ga Ododo” music video now streaming on our YouTube channel, ABNUR Entertainment. Don’t miss out!

Sabawar wakar mu mai Suna“Ga Adoza ga Ododo” yana nan akan YouTube channel din mu mai suna ABNUR Entertainment.
Ku garzaya ku sha kallo!


Kogi guber candidate, Abejide, congratulates Gov Yahaya Bello on achievements in office

. Commends peaceful conduct of guber poll, declares support for Ododo

. Says people’s interests supersede personal considerations

The candidate of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) in the November 11 governorship election in Kogi State, Hon Leke Abejide, on Sunday, paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello, CON, to congratulate him for the peaceful conduct of the election and wish him well in his future endeavours as he prepares to hand over to the Governor-elect in a few days.

Abejide, who is currently representing Yagba Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, commended Governor Bello for what he described as his notable achievements during his administration and declared his support for the Governor-elect, Ahmed Usman Ododo, during the visit.

The ADC candidate, who was received by Governor Yahaya Bello and Governor-elect, Ododo, noted that it was the right of every citizen of constitutional qualification to run for an election but that when the result is declared and a winner has emerged, that should mark the end of politics.

He said all candidates in the November 11 governorship election were qualified Kogi citizens but that only one could be elected and that was the person God had chosen at that time, adding that he would support Ododo to succeed in the interest of the people of Kogi State.

“Your Excellency, let me congratulate my brother, Ahmed Usman Ododo, the governor-elect of our dear state once again. We all ran a good race and we also believe that at the end of it, only one candidate will emerge and we have Ododo as that candidate today. My participation in politics is about the people and once elections are over, all issues around it must be put behind to forge a progressive administration.

“The interest of our people supercedes that of individuals. I will support Ahmed Usman Ododo to succeed in the interest of our people,” he said.

Hon Abejide also commended the Governor-elect for striving to ensure peace and tranquility, noting that prior to the election in 2023, one factor that counted for the governor-elect was his ability to talk to and bring many people on board his team.

While welcoming the governorship candidate to his Abuja residence, Governor Bello reiterated the importance of unity in the quest for realising the state’s vast potential.

Reflecting on the abundance of natural and human resources bestowed upon Kogi by God, he warned that without unity, it could become a proverbial scenario of “when two brothers fight, strangers will inherit their property.”

Governor Bello commended Abejide for playing politics without bitterness, saying Ododo, who would be sworn in in exactly a week, would require the support of every citizen of the state to succeed.

On his part, the Governor-elect stressed that the consolidation and continuity of good governance in Kogi State demanded the collective contributions of all stakeholders.

He urged everyone to view the development of the state as a shared responsibility.

Former Gov Wada visits Gov Yahaya Bello, commends him for notable achievements, sterling stewardship

. You’re an exemplary leader, Gov Bello tells Wada

A former Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency, Capt Idris Wada, on Saturday, paid a courtesy visit to Governor Yahaya Bello, saying he could not but show his appreciation to the Governor for his notable achievements in the state, especially in the areas of security, healthcare, education and infrastructure.

He said his visit was specifically aimed at commending Governor Bello for his sterling stewardship since he assumed office in 2016 and to convey his best wishes for his future endeavours.

He also pledged his full support for the incoming administration in the state. “I what to commend you for what you have been able to do in our state as governor. I know the challenges and I can tell you that you have done tremendously well. And for my support for the governor-elect, it is total. Kogi is our state. We must work together and support the leaders to succeed so, Ododo has my full support at any time and I wish him a successful tenure”, he said.

The incumbent and his predecessor also discussed state affairs, the challenges of governance at various levels, particularly within Kogi State, and broader security issues.

Governor Bello, while welcoming former Governor Wada to his Zone 4 residence, in Abuja, described him as an exemplary leader and a statesman of progressive qualities.

He acknowledged the challenges the former governor faced during his tenure and commended the diligent efforts made within the constraints of available resources, particularly given the unique political challenges of Kogi State.

“Sir, I feel deeply honoured to host you in my house, and I want to express my gratitude for all you have done, both within and outside your time in office as governor. Those of us following your footsteps are proud of your statesmanship and exemplary leadership. Your humility, fear of God and progressive qualities are virtues everyone speaks of.

“I pray that God continues to guide and protect you with good health. As you are aware, I will be handing over to the Governor-elect, Ahmed Usman Ododo, and the transition event is scheduled for next week Saturday. Ododo will need our support to succeed for the overall interest of the state. I want to thank you for this honour sir,” the Governor stated.

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